Wedding Luau, Lap Dance At A Bar and Video Of Me Dancing!!

The Wedding Luau was awesome. I had the best time.  The food was delicious.  There was entertainment. That would be the two hula girls and me getting up to dance.


The bride on her wedding day in Hawaii

The food was excellent. They actually roasted a whole pig on a spit. I didn’t post that photo.

The Hula Girls

Me,  Cane-Fu dancing! Granted I am so sore today I can hardly move.

This video is of my daughter and some others learning how to Hula dance.  She is in the front on the right.

This is a fruit and vegetable carving!!

Sarah and her best friend, Bianca.  They have known each other since they were 6 years old.  Bianca was the Matron of Honor at the wedding in Hawaii. She is like a second daughter to me.

Obie, Sarah and me

Unfortunately, I have no photos from the bar.  After the wedding we went to this local bar because one of Sarah and Obie’s favorite bands was playing.  Our cameras were both full.

The band was the  “The Old Silver Band”.

They were rocking the place and everyone there was probably somewhat inebriated because it was already late.  I was standing with Sarah and Obie dancing with my cane, having a great time and this young guy ( quite handsome may I add) starts dancing with me. We were both laughing and then he went off and came back and danced with me a couple more times.  I think he was just being polite and trying to make the nice old lady feel at home. I knew a few of the other kids there.  They were friends of my son.  Finally I sat down because my whole body was in pain from over exertion and my young friend came and sat on my lap and did  a 1 minute lap dance.  Sarah and Obie were laughing it up and so was I.

I sure wish we had  cameras at the bar.  I guess I’m just going to have to go back to get some video.  (what an excuse to get another lap dance, eh?)

17 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Hannah
    Aug 24, 2008 @ 23:57:19

    Sounds like a great time!
    Yes, I think you will have to go back to that bar … you know we are all upset about the lack of lap dancing photos!!!
    But the other photos and videos are great, really “sets the scene” and makes it seem like we were there too … almost!

    I have to go back to the bar just to get lap dancing photos. We had a great time that night both at the Luau and at the bar.


  2. tw
    Aug 25, 2008 @ 00:02:50

    Haha, cane fu dancing. You go girl!

    Looks like so much fun, Joan. 🙂

    I am bowled over by those carved fruit and veg. Whoever crafted those has a real talent.

    Isn’t that the most amazing carving? We couldn’t believe it. By the time I finished something like that the fruit would be moldy.


  3. museditions
    Aug 25, 2008 @ 03:08:50

    Wow, you really shook it, girlfriend! That was fun. I’ll bet it was great exercise, even if you are sore now 😦
    The pics are great! What a fabulous luau. Glad you got to go.

    It was good exercise and I am thinking of doing it for a short time every day. Even just a few minutes, maybe a few times a day.


  4. birdpress
    Aug 25, 2008 @ 07:06:28

    Looks like a lot of fun! Too bad you are sore today, but I bet it was worth it. 😉 That carving is awesome. I want to try doing something like that!

    I have really loved this summer. I have gone out and had so many good times which is very unusual for me. Shows that you are never to old to change your ways.


  5. jeanny
    Aug 25, 2008 @ 11:46:38

    That’s a great party. The food looks good. I love roasted pig (we called it here lechon) It’s yummy.

    Great you had lots of fun and lots of dancing. You really rock!

    I love roast pork. We have it at least once a week. A lot of my pork recipes are for the crock pot and the pork comes out so tender. I made one called Char Sui Pork last week. It was so yummy.


  6. Just a Mom
    Aug 25, 2008 @ 12:21:32

    Way to Shake That Booty!
    Looks like you had an awesome time!
    OK I know other people are wondering about this too… Did you tip the guy for the lap dance? 🙂

    You know that is so funny you bringing up the tipping. I had a couple of dollars in my pocket and thought of it when I got home. I wish I had thought of it there. Everyone really would have gotten a hoot out of that.


  7. Joy
    Aug 25, 2008 @ 12:55:40

    LOL Just A Mom, never thought of the tipping!!

    Shake, shake, shake…you looked wonderful. I’m so glad you had a good time. I did feel like I was (almost) there. Gorgeous food. Almost a shame to eat it. I loved pig roasts. That meat is so tender. Your daughter is beautiful and did such a great job learning the hula. What fun. I’m so glad you got to go. You are a regular party girl. I’d defiantly go back for another (lap) dance…..

    I am definitely turning into a party girl. What a crazy summer it’s been but I love it. The meat was very tender. The sides were all good too. Sarah did a great job Hula dancing. I’m going back to that bar. I’ll have to bring Sarah to protect me from all the handsome young men or protect them from me.


  8. duskydi
    Aug 25, 2008 @ 14:43:07

    What a beautiful bride, wedding, beautiful people, beautiful you and beautiful sarah. I love Sarahs dress. Its stunning.

    Joan you can dance some can’t you. Sorry to hear about the pain, I love the hulu girls, I would love to shake like that.

    Hope your well rested and ready for you next adventure. I enjoyed watching the video of you and your sister. It was so funny. Your sister is funny.

    I was looking at the food and couldn’t help notice your leg. Your got pretty legs Joan.

    Keep dancing and keep smiling

    My sister is very funny. She has a great sense of humor and is my best friend beside Sarah. The wedding was beautiful and the bride is the sweetest girl. She always invites me to all her parties. Yes, I am getting rest so I can have more adventures. I want to go to a festival next summer. I will be thinner and in better shape. I will get my son to take me and he will do it too. He’s not the kind of guy to be embarrassed because he hangs out with his mom. Even when he was younger we used to hang out. He would invite me to parties he was going to. My kid’s friends were never surprised when Mom showed up at parties. It also enabled me to give them rides home.


  9. odette
    Aug 25, 2008 @ 15:50:49

    my first time to see cane-fu dancing, you rocked it joan!

    and those hula dancers, whew, they make it look so easy!

    sarah look beautiful in her dress and hula dancing, i may try to imitate the moves now. 🙂

    i’ve never been to a luau, and now that you mentioned roasted pig, i am craving for it. lechon is a favorite in the philippines, and never absent on any celebration. 🙂

    Jeanny mentioned that you called it lechon. I learned a new word. By the time you, Jeanny and Sheng are done with me I will be able to speak your language.

    I had never been to a luau either. It was great.

    I’ll bet Hula dancing is good exercise and I am sure KJ would enjoy seeing you do a Hula dance.


  10. teeni
    Aug 25, 2008 @ 20:32:01

    Oh, what a fun wedding – people will be talking about it for years to come! Wow – Sarah hulas like a natural! And wow – you got a lap dance? Awesome!

    Since I probably will never get to a luau in Hawaii, this was the next best thing. Who would have thought I would get a lap dance?


  11. thebeadden
    Aug 25, 2008 @ 20:32:31

    Joan, you look so full of joy! It looks like you had a great time, I can see why your children enjoy being around you.
    Sarah looks like a natural at the hula dance.
    Thanks for sharing all the pictures and video’s.

    I’m fortunate that my kids like to bring me with them. I always have a good time with the kids. I’m glad you enjoyed the pics and videos.


  12. romi41
    Aug 25, 2008 @ 21:21:37

    I love that video, you have awesome dance moves! 🙂 And did you have some of that roasted pig? How was it??

    PS: I loved the bride’s dress!

    Who knew I could dance? I certainly had some pig and it was very tender and good. The bride had the dress custom made. It was beautiful and perfect for a Hawaiian wedding.


  13. Peter Parkour
    Aug 26, 2008 @ 02:44:59

    Wow, wow, wow. Great post, videos and photos. Is the bride a Pacific Islander? She kinda has the look, very pretty. All of the dancing was wonderful, you out there shakin’ your booty, and Sarah was really getting into the hula dancing. The fruit and vegetable carving was amazing. All of the food looked delicious. Sarah and her friend both look divine and their dresses, gorgeous. And the fun didn’t end there? After hours party with lap dances and everything. No wonder you want to go back. Looks and sound like such a wonderful time. Awesome. 😉

    Actually the bride is 1/2 Japanese. It was one of the best weddings I’ve been to. The food was fabulous and not even fattening. I loved all the Hula dancing. And I never got a lap dance before. That certainly was interesting.


  14. 2lazydogs
    Aug 26, 2008 @ 22:46:07

    Wow, what fun. Thanks for sharing all the videos…I feel like I was there! And the fruit & vegetable carving – holy moly that’s cool!


  15. writerchick
    Aug 27, 2008 @ 19:49:42

    Oh Joanie, the wedding and reception look wonderful – all the dancing and beautiful people and food – but dang girl, I was dying to see the lap dance. I just love it when young studs pay attention to us, don’t you? Admit it, you have the vid but don’t want to share. 😆 Who could blame you?


    I wish our cameras were working for the lap dance. That would have been hilarious. Oh, If I had the video everyone would be seeing it. I’d be showing it on the news. 😉



  16. mrsvierkant
    Aug 27, 2008 @ 23:19:08

    You certainly got your groove on Miss Joan. 😀 Glad you had fun. Sarah is just beautiful in that dress!

    Sarah is a beauty, inside and out. And I did get my groove on. I’m just waiting to be invited to another party.


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