Not knowing how stuff works

I had to go grocery shopping today. So I packed up my bottled water and my cane and my daughter’s credit card and got into my car. I put the key into the ignition and nothing. The car wouldn’t start. I know there is an engine under the hood and a battery and windshield wiper fluid but that’s really all I know about cars. I decided, for some reason to look under the hood of the car. I didn’t actually know if I’d find anything other than mice.mouse.jpg I had my car worked on recently and the mechanic found two mouse nests in it and I use the car every day. I wonder if they took rides with me or left when I drove away. Anyway, I looked at the engine, recognized the battery, it looked good to me, closed the hood and the car still wouldn’t start.

engine-woman.jpg I realized that I don’t like not knowing how stuff works.

I started thinking that there’s a lot of stuff and I don’t know how or why it works. I taught my daughter when she was young that she can do whatever a man can do and probably do it better. She took that little talk to heart. She won’t let anyone do anything for her. From the time she could talk her standard statement was “Let Tawa do it” Her name is Sarah. She can put together anything and if she can’t she will find out how. If I can’t figure something out I just get on my cell phone and start making calls . I know I’ll come across someone who will take care of it for me, usually her. But I am starting to not like that about myself. I want to know more. I want to know everything. But then I get so overwhelmed by all that I don’t know, I just sit in my chair and watch TV. Oh well, maybe I learn something on the Discovery channel.couch-potato_t210.jpg

By the way, the car still doesn’t work. I am waiting for my ex-husband to get home and take care of it. See, I always find someone to take care of things. He’ll even pay for it. Sarah would be out there with a tool kit so I don’t want to bother her with it.two-woman-in-engine.jpg

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Barbara
    Oct 29, 2007 @ 16:07:15

    I have a horror of small animals living in car engines. Don’t they get blenderized in the fan on occasion? Or smothered in small fume-filled pipes? Or smooshed between the brake pads and the brakes? Yuk.


  2. Life With Buck
    Oct 29, 2007 @ 17:23:06

    When I was a kid, my neighbor started her car and it ground up the cat, who was napping in the engine apparently. But mice are small, so maybe they did ride around with you. Or perhaps your mechanic was lying.

    This post was hilarious. And by the way, Cody is like Sarah. I told her she could do anything and she does. I, on the other hand, am borderline retarded and cripplingly lazy, so most things are out of the question for me. Cars are number one of my list of things that are none of my business.


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